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Item Feature


Exclusive team sports course, innovative league event format

Dadi Child Floorball provides Dadi kids a space for group competitions, training, and friendship. Children can independently experience the physical and mental challenges brought by the practice of competition, and thus gain internal growth.



Coordinated physical development and more comprehensive movement

Dadi Child Floorball requires the child's upper and lower limbs to participate in activities, and the child's body coordination, sensitivity, and muscles in multiple parts will be fully exercised.

Safe and reasonable design make sport comfortably

Sports and safety double insurance. Equipment is specially designed, and passed environmental protection and safety tests. At the same time, compared with other group sports, children do not directly touch the ball in Dadi Child Floorball, avoiding the potential safety hazards caused by direct collision, which can allow young children to get appropriate safety protection during the exercise.



Set up multiple roles during the game to enrich children’s group experience.

During the Dadi Child Floorball activities, Dadi assign different roles to the children and make them assume responsibilities, so as to cultivate their group coordination, organization and leadership skills. The semester-oriented team competition activities are the main direction, supplemented by skills training and community activities, which enriches Children's teamwork experience. 

Set rules scientifically to promote children's sense of responsibility

Aiming at children's growth rules, Dadi design rules scientifically, from elementary levelto advanced level, from zone setting to cancellation of the box, let children grow up step by step, help them gradually increase the amount of exercise, and cultivate behavior habits of teamwork with others.

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