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Dadi Culture Explanation in Love & Smile & Energy & Beauty

Kindergarten culture is the soul of Dadi’s development, and it is an important manifestation of cohesion, display of kindergarten image, and improvement of its civilization.The rich construction of culture is permeable and persistent to the formation of children's character, which is a silent process.


Teachers are the most important creators, heirs, and communicators of kindergarten’s culture. As the culture of Dadi, Love, lsmile, energy,and beauty create a harmonious, warm, and happy "fertile ground" for all Dadi babies through all-round normative requirements for teachers. 

Love: Squat down to talk, hold up to communicate, hold hands to teach.

It embodies the teacher's respect and understanding for young children. It is a harmonious teacher-student relationship and the best interpretation of the word "love".

Squatting down is a kind of respect and empathy. Try to look at the world and problems from the perspective of young children, respect the right of children to choose, respect the children's own favor and preferences, and do not try to impose your personal thoughts and will.

Hug communication is an acceptance, it represents an understanding, patient care for children, listening to children, is an emotional mutual comfort and support.

Holding hands education is a kind of companionship, understand the development law of young children, respect individual differences, constantly reflect, and grow up happily with young children.


Smile: Smiling faces welcome parents and treat kids kindly.

Every day, smile sweetly to children,can approach each other's distance; give the child a thumbs-up smile when progressing; give them a tolerant smile when making mistakes.

Every day, smile to parents kindly can increase each other’s trust. When parents ask their children's performance in the kindergarten, teachers should smile and answer the parent's questions. When the children's behaviors are misbehaving, teachers can communicate with the parents calmly and smiling;When teachers need help at work, smile to inform parents and get their support.

Smile is the teacher's natural expression of optimism in real life, the tolerance and understanding of young children from the heart, and the most valuable facial expression.


Energy: physical and mental health and vitality, self-growth and learning ability, harmonious team cohesion.

Physical and mental health and vitality: be energetic at work, with good physical fitness, teachers are able to be stable on their own work position; know and accept their emotions, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, treat each day with enthusiasm and positive energy, and can give children a good example of positive energy.

Self-growth learning ability: it’s never too old to learn. Teachers should constantly learn, improve ability, tap their own potential, discover their unlimited possibilities, improve themselves, and be a professional preschool teacher with quality.

Harmonious team cohesion: Teachers should treat each other sincerely, create a harmonious and warm, positive working environment in the kindergarten, feel proud of being part of the team, and are willing to take on the tasks from the team, so that the kindergarten can give full play to the growth and development of teachers and the realization of self-worth Stage.


Beauty: Refers to the elegant behavior manners, showing teachers' professional qualities: the beauty of full energy, the beauty of civilization and language, the beauty of good habits.

Be beautiful in full of energy: It is the management and display of self-image. We know that in any occasion, we should maintain a clean, sanitary, dignified and decent civilized personal image.Such as simple, clean, bright, friendly makeup, and proper body posture and movement performance.

The beauty of civilization and language: It is about the beauty shown by different objects in the specific use of language, with a friendly attitude, courtesy, and humility. They are proficient in using "Dadi Teachers Norms 100 Sentences in Love & Smile & Energy & Beauty", and avoiding "Teachers Taboo 30 Sentences", always should be clear, emotional and contagious.

The beauty of good habits: It is a persistent pursuit of details.Insist on positive and intuitive educational language, gestures, and body language to guide children as a good example. Facing parental communication, teacehrs should be respect and kindness, and communicate sincerely when understand the situation of their children; when facing colleagues and leaders, teachers should treat each other with sincerity, not humble, and strive to create a harmonious, united and collaborative team atmosphere in the organization.


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