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一、Dadi Early Childhood Education Mode:

Sustainable Development of Dadi Early Childhood Education Mode consist of one business mode + four academic features.

Dadi Early Childhood Education Mode is a solid foundation for supporting Dadi kindergarten to achieve "survival with quality and development with characteristics”.

二、One Business Mode:

It is an educational complex that builds a community supporting kindergarten into a 1- to 12-year-old infant and child center + kindergarten + academy class and realizes the maximum site use of 7 days a week and 11 hours a day.

三、Four academic features:

International vision: core feature/Outdoor corners: activity feature/Advantage discovery: Concept feature/Love&Smile&Energy&Beauty: Dadi cultural feature.

First feature: International vision---Create core features and highlight brand influence.

(一)Concrete manifestation of international vision:


1.Using American language as a medium to help children open a window to understand the world, let children understand the multicultural world, and open the immersive, exploratory, and autonomous learning mode of Internet + education.

(1)Leading Educational Concept : It is the implementation of the purpose of Dadi’s education principle in “cultivate holistic children by international vision". 

(2)Leading the way in learning: Autonomous Learning for young children on the Internet.

(3)Leading development goals: 3 times higher of English level than general bilingual kindergarten.

(4)Leading in all-language teaching methods: Emphasize the creation of a purely American-language humanistic ecological environment to achieve a consistent home-kindergarten


(5)Leading creative display activities: 8 o'clock Micro-chat, a Song Every Week, Daily on-board Show, Best ticket Owner, Happy Friday, the Results Release Day and other special activities, to provide children with ample opportunities to display and communicate platform. 

(6)Leading children's American language development Level: Speak standard American language confidently and happily, naturally develop the thinking logic of American language learning, and cultivate the autonomous learning ability on the internet.

(二)specific methods


1. Integrate online game platform resources of ABC mouse whch carefully selected and arranged multi-domain game activities for children aged 3-6. 

2. Localization of resources to form a unique educational model of Dadi. 

3. Operation mode: group learning + computer classroom learning + fragmented time + special activities + home-kindergarten education (family self-directed learning).

4. Change in teaching mode: Teachers accompany children to learn American language on the platform. Children are the main part of learning, and teachers are just the guiderss and followers.Emphasize gamified learning methods and organize rich online and offline American English games.

(三)The Value of Dadi International Vision Education Principle:


1. to children:

Learn Pure American-English: Follow the American announcer’s level pronunciation on the platform directly.

Scientific and efficient learning process: The intuitive and playful learning method meets the needs of children's physical and mental development. The introduction to spoken language emphasizes the accumulation of vocabulary in accordance with the laws of language learning, thereby greatly improving learning efficiency.

Create the joy of learning.

Cultivate good learning qualities: interest, concentration, self-directed learning.

2. to teacher:

Reduce the pressure on teachers' which caused from English level requirements.

It will become easier for teachers after familiar with process operations.

Self-improvement when used by teachers and children.

Big data analysis make better understands children’s innate advantages and are avaluable to teach them according to their aptitude.

3. Create three times the level of American English and achieve NO.1 within five kilometers

(四)Dadi ABC mouse--Academic Class


1. Mode: 

English training for graduates in kindergartens (also includes trusteeship students, surrounding communities, nearby primary school students aged from 6-12 years-old children).


(1)To students: Continued systematic learning to form dominant disciplines.

(2)To Kindergarten management: The application model of kindergarten + training center, education services can continue to 6-12 years old.

Second feature: Outdoor corner games (include group sports)--Curriculum feature

(一)Outdoor corner activity development mode


1. Direction and requirements

--From indoor to outdoor, from small space to nature, from closed to open.

--Corners of must-open areas: sports area, construction area, art area, role area, soft hockey competition area.

--Optional area corner: natural ecological area, sand-water area.

2. Activity arrangement: Shift, mixed shift, mixed-age activities.

--Activities for at least one hour a day (North kindergartens can change to semi-outdoor in winter depends on its weather)

3.Activity value

--Make full use of the kindergarten environment, let go of children's hands and feet, meet children's autonomy, personalized learning needs, and promote their social communication and other abilities, let children become the masters of games, and let children's education return to the nature of children.

--Kindergartens’ grounds are fully utilized and various resources are fully integrated.

--With a scientific, rich and innovative child-care education core, we will achieve a good harvest both in public praise and benefits.

(二)Group sports mode-soft hockey activity


1. Origin and meaning

(1)Soft hockey comes from the United States, where team education is developed. During the sport, it focuses on the social shaping and experience of non-intellectual qualities such as friendship, competition, conflict, cooperation, responsibility, and team spirit.

--Team spirit is not something that can be understood by reasoning, but needs to be experienced, felt and sublimated in group activities.

(2)Children are easy to get started, do not need professional training, as long as they can hit the ball to participate in sports and competitions.

(3)Achieve external and internal goals

--External:Cultivate physical exercise ability and enhance physical exercise quality

--Internal:Social shaping and training of non-intelligent qualities and team spirit such as friendship, competition, conflict, gain and loss, cooperation and responsibility. 

(4) As a team sport, soft hockey is more safe than football or basketball, it does not require intensive training of skills, and the team game growth environment is much more permeable.

2. Development form

--Combined with outdoor corner activities, the sports area has a special soft hockey zone.

--Forms of development: three-person game in middle class, four-person game in top class. 

--Competition format: Class Match + City League

--Goal: Every child will play 40 games before leaving school.

Third feature--Advantage discovery-Education Concept

(一)Dadi Educational Principle: N=1


1. Meaning: N is the whole class or the entire kindergarten, 1 means every young child, N = 1 means pay attention to each young child, explore their respective advantages, develop their advantages, and lead a happy life.

2. Child Development Concept:

--The child is not a wooden barrel, his/her life achievement is not limited by the short board on the barrel; the child is a big tree, and his/her  life achievement depends on the longest branch on the trunk.

--Einstein said: If a fish is measured by whether it can climb a tree, it will definitely think that it is stupid for the whole life.

(二)How to discover the advantages


1. N = 1 advantage evaluation system, divided into two forms: online evaluation and offline weekend camp.

(1) Online evaluation

--Including: multiple intelligence assessment, assessment of superior learning ability, innate temperament assessment, habit formation assessment, growth and sport ability assessment.

--Assessed by teachers and parents.

--Observing child’s behavior.

--Do one assessment every two months

--Starting from small classes, repeat once a year in order to approach the true level of young children. 

(2)Offline weekend camp

--For graduates from the top class of kindergarten, use Saturdays and Sundays for activities. 

--With a view to helping parents to understand their children better, adhere to the educational concept of "discovering advantages", adapt to the development of child’s advantages, let them develop from disadvantage and weakness,and fight against childrens self-confidence, cause tension in parent-child relationships.

2.Meaning and value

(1) To the teacher:

--Understanding every young child correctly.

--More scientific and personalized guidance and communication methods can be used in educational activities and daily activities.

(2) To the parents:

--Really know our child and guide us to the right direction.

--Coordinate family members' education concepts, make family education more consistent and more scientific.

--Master appropriate parent-child communication methods and establish harmonious parent-child relationships.

(3)To the kindergarten:

--Strengthen the attractiveness of student recruitment and core competitiveness of kindergarten based on the principle of "discovering the advantages of children".

--Help kindergarten establish brand feature and reputation, improve the kindergarten’s economic benefits.

(4)To the child:

--Discover their own potential and help them build confidence.

--Adapt to the growth of advantages, lead future professional and career directions, and lead their happy life.

Fourth feature: Love&Smile&Energy&Beauty--Kindergarten cultural characteristics



--Love&Smile&Energy&Beauty is the characteristics of the kindergarten culture, also is the standard of the teachers.

--Love:Squat down to talk, hold up to communicate, hold hands to teach.

--Smile: Smile to parents, treat child kindly.

--Energy: Energetic physical and mental health, self-growth learning ability, harmonious team cohesion.

--Beauty: know, understand, practise and teach the rules of propriety.

(二)How to implement in kindergarten

--Etiquette for three minutes a day: Behaves more standard, elegant, and polite.

--hold teachers' morning meeting once a week: enhance the sense of belonging to Dadi kindergarten, and have a sense of teamwork.

--Four Etiquette Teaching Contents per month: Self-internalization and promotion, becoming role models for young children。

--Once a month team building activities: improve cohesion and sense of belonging.

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