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Case Sharing

Little Dadi Child Floorball, Dadi families are really enjoy it! 

1. Based on the theory of environmental education (Alan Kay), team sports course is  specially developed for children over 4 years of age, which continuously provides children with space for team activities, and continues to challenge themselves in a real-world environment. Children have strong interests and comprehensive growth.

2. Characteristic education is extended to family, class-off time, parent-child games, Father's Day ... Parents and children are teammates to share the win and lose together. This kind of home-based education experience cannot be replaced by other activities.

3. Team sports are strongly popular among parents, especially for fathers, and are the parent-child activities that fathers are most likely to participate in.

Listen: real voice from parents, teachers and principles of kindergartens:

                           Xingfu Kindergarten in Panjin


Our kindergaarten just opened in July last year, so the Dadi Child Floorball course is only conducted for one semester as a speciallity course.During this period, in order to make it easier for our teaching and administtrative staff to understand the rules, we organized a "Dadi Child Floorball competition" for all teaching and administtrative staff to participate in the Health Month in November. At present, they have basically mastered the relevant game rules and everyone love this sports. In addition, during the winter vacation, in order to increase the attendace rate of children, we open free Dadi Child Floorball course, so that young children have the opportunity to experience, so they will have strong interest to join. The new semester opened this year, the number of children's registration for Dadi Child Floorball course speciality courses has increased than last year. Our kindergarten also plans to arrange Dadi Child Floorball competitions for children or families this year, strive to further promote Dadi Child Floorball courses throughout kindergarten. .


Juli Dadi Kindergarten in Changsha


Dadi Child Floorball is the focus of teacher training in our kindergarten, and it is also a very prominent feature of us. We carry out the course to the whole kindergarten. Children can participate in team activities after they reach to the middle class. Children demonstrated unexpected abilities at the course. During the implementation of the course, the biggest gains we made are the public praise and source of students. Dadi Child Floorball has been very helpful to our co-education of home-kindergarten. We have found that parents, especially male parents, are becoming more and more engaged. We will also launch a semester-oriented league for parents this year to encourge parents to participate in our education activitiy. With the increase of people's attention to physical and social and psychological health, we believes that Dadi Child Floorball will help our kindergarten to a new level.

Most of children are the-only-child, they may lack of the consciousness in cooperating and sharing with others, but future social competition requires good teamwork skills. Parents should focus on cultivating their children's teamwork skill as early as possilble. Dadi Child Floorball combines healthy sports with education in the social field, which provide children with an environment for team growth and encourge children to communicate with others actively .

———— from Pinciple of Dadi Kindergarten in Zhangzhou

After investigating lots of kindergarten courses in China, I found that Dadi Dadi Child Floorball is a course that can really give children a teamwork education. Most of it is carried out in competitions, friendships, and training. Children are able to have full communication in teamwork environment. We have fully developed to promote the development of children's various abilities through Dadi Child Floorball, which has more advantages than other subjects. I suggest parents encourage their children to participate in such activities as much as possible. 

 ———— from Pinciple of Dadi Kindergarten in Beijing

Since our class has carried out Dadi Child Floorball, it has been liked and affirmed by lots of parents. Dadi Child Floorball is different from other team sports. All its equipments and rules have been safely processed and designed. It can not only allow children to play freely in sports, but also protect them. It really a great Team sports for kids aged 3-6. 

———— from Miss Lin of Lingxiucheng Kindergarten in Zhuhai

from the middle of the class, My son Zhuangzhuang started to participate Dadi Child Floorball from the middle class. After two years, Zhuangzhuang has gradually changed from a shy and introverted boy into a cheerful, lively, and communicative child. He often shared some interesting competition experience with me when he came back home from kindergarten.  Kindergarten often held some Dadi Child Floorball parent-child activities and competitions. I am really very happy to see the progress of my baby.

———— from Zhuangzhuang’s mom of Dalian Kindergarten

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