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Found advantage and common description of "N = 1" 

一、N = 1 "specifically means:

"N" refers to the entire class or the entire kindergaeten, "1" refers to each young child; "N = 1" means that:Pay attention to each young child and explore their own advantages; follow the development of advantages and lead a happy life.


二、Main point

1. In order to adapt to China's national conditions, Dadi kindergarten takes collective activities as the main form, but it is especially important to find and respect the individual's special value in collective activities.

2. All things in their being are good for something, and individuals have their advantages and they are unique.

3. Guide the development of advantages, every trade has its master.

4. Talents are everywhere, however seldom can they be recognized, and it is found that advantages are more important than cultivate them.

5. The key to success is to leverage strengths, not to fill weaknesses.

6. Recognize that individuals have their own strengths and weaknesses, so the goals and realization methods of early childhood education and development cannot adopt standardized production models and be uniform.

7. Face the individual's weaknesses and give them acceptance, understanding, and tolerance.


三、Implementation value of N = 1

1. For educators (teachers and parents)

--Help educators discover the individual advantages of young children.

--Change the traditional practice of tutoring weaknesses, avoid "focusing on weaknesses and combating self-confidence", and emphasize the advantages effect disadvantages, and make up for the weaknesses.

--Provide them with reasonable suggestions through home-kindergarten app, which can guide their scientific education behavior.

2.For teachers

--Understanding every young child correctly.

--Providing more scientific and personalized guidance and communication methods in education activities and daily life.

--Improve the professional ability of the teaching team as a whole.

3.For parents

--Really know their own child and guide them in the right direction.

--Master appropriate parent-child communication methods and establish harmonious parent-child relationships.

4.For child

--Promote self-confidence through excavation and cultivation of advantages.

--Help choose what they like and things they are good at, can feel happy and achieve success, and lead them to a happy and successful life.


四、Implementation platform of N = 1:

1. Online-Child Advantage Evaluation System.

--Pay attention to children’s behavior observation.

--Finding advantages is more important than cultivating them.

--Guide educational behaviors and implement personalized home education programs.

2. Offline-Discover Advantages, kindergarten Weekend Camp

--Short-term team activities

--Discover children’s advantages and their potentials. 

--Upgrading the concept of scientific education, building strong parent-child relationships.

--Make N = 1 the advantage education concept can be practiced, test, deepened and extended. 


五、Implementation of N = 1

1. Through home-kindergarten app, provide a child advantage assessment system and training suggestions to help discover innate potential.

2. Specific assessment types include:

--Evaluation of Children's Multiple Intelligences

--Assessment of Children's Superior Learning Ability

--Children's natural temporament quality assessment

--Habit formation assessment

--Evaluation of Children's Growth and Motor Ability Development

3. The system automatically provides training suggestions to teachers to guide them and parents in correct education behavior.

4. Use of the evaluation system: An evaluation is conducted every two months, and parents and teachers can evaluate it.


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